Yunus-khan Mausoleum (16 century), Tashkent

  • 29 June, 2015
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  • 13653

Besides Shayhantaur ensemble on the Navoy avenue there is a mausoleum of Tashkent ruler Yunus-khan (1415 – 1487). It is situated on the territory of Shayhantaur cemetery. It represents T-shaped khanaka-mausoleum. The main south facade has portal with low wings; on the facade, as in the corners of cruciform hall with north-ledge half-octagon niche, there are two-storied hudjras. The hall is opened with three-sides doorways, covered with sphero-conal dome on cross archs; second-storied hudjras are covered with cupolas on the multi-row thyroid pendentives. The outer dome hall was reconstructed in 1970. The windows are decorated with wood and ganch panjara, there are fragments of ganch girikh (a geometrical ornament) on the archs and mukannas-stalactites (decorative ganch arrangement of cupolas) in the hall. Its sizes are 21,5x20,5, building width – 16 m, the hall – 7x7m.

