“Happy Bird” Art Gallery

  • 17 May, 2017
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  • 11915

A special atmosphere of house and home awaits you in the small Samarkand “Schastivaya ptitsa” (Happy Bird) Art Gallery, housed in a historic building of a caravanserai of the last century. Luxury Uzbek handmade carpets, clothes in a traditional style, blue-white and brown-green mottled pottery, vintage jewelry, paintings, suzanne, embroidered with ingenious patterns, figurines, and graphics adorn the art gallery, like the items of luxurious, but at the same time, domestic, informal interior, where the visitors are met by Helen Ladik , Art Gallery Director and art historian.

«Happy Bird» art gallery, Samarkand
«Happy Bird» art gallery, Samarkand
«Happy Bird» art gallery, Samarkand

The Ali Baba Cave is the name given to the Gallery by admiring visitors. Indeed, each of the works of art, carefully preserved there is unique. This is the work of old masters and recognized contemporary authors: the latter not only display their works there, but also regularly attend the art salon.

Most of the items displayed can be bought, but commerce is not the primary purpose of the Art Gallery. Elena Ladik emphasizes: “The loss of authenticity is a sad phenomenon that occurs in the world. Surrogates, whether they are man-made products, synthetic fabrics, or relations without sincerity between people, filled all the spheres of life. To keep the quality of material and cultural values and human relationships at least at the level, offered by the Gallery is the priority of “Happy Bird”.

The Gallery invites all those interested in arts and crafts to visit the exhibition and get acquainted with the work of the recognized Uzbek authors.

«Happy Bird» art gallery, Samarkand
«Happy Bird» art gallery, Samarkand
«Happy Bird» art gallery, Samarkand


The Happy Bird Art Gallery, founded in 2005, is a member of the Central Asian Crafts Support Association (CACSA) and, “Hunarmand”, the Republican Association of Craftsmen and Artisans. “Happy Bird”, in addition to the permanent exhibition, also hosts solo exhibitions and master classes of both Uzbek and foreign authors. Furthermore the Art Gallery organizes exhibitions abroad. The main principles of the Gallery is the promotion of Uzbek folk arts and crafts, using only locally produced natural material, fair remuneration of labor, support of gifted and motivated authors.

Source: http://www.advantour.com/uzbekistan/samarkand/happy-bird.htm