Crypt of Temur

  • 18 April, 2017
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Only thirty-five meters away from the ruins of the famous complex of Hazrat-i Imam in the famous town of Shahrisabz, there is a crypt intended to be a resting place of Amir Temur. It is important to note that even the initial study of the architectural and cultural characteristics of this structure enables to consider it priceless. Domestic and foreign scientists never tire of repeating that this tomb in the form of a cross, created with multiple niches has no analogues in the East.

 Architects and decorators did not stint on the various artificial materials used to decorate the interior space of the building. For example, in 1933 and 1942 the National Archaeological Expeditions were able to establish multiple decorative inscriptions, drawings of various major events of the era, and so on.


 Ancient inscriptions found in the area began from the western niche of the crypt, continuing almost to the eastern wall. Each of these scripts contains quotes from the holy book, or the classic formulas used at the time for the glorification of God.
