Valentina Romanenko Art Workshop and Studio

  • 17 May, 2017
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  • 11124

Valentina Romanenko Art Workshop is the quintessence of the rich experience of Samarkand masters in silk, painting and embroidery.

There you can see a collection of scarves, dresses, bags and other garments made by old technologies handed down by Uzbek masters from generation to generation, watch costumed folk show and, of course, buy any dress you like.

The clothes created there differ with bright color combinations and unique designs in national style.

The mistresses of Valentina Romanenko Studio create original models for home and office, as well as festive clothes and haute couture collections.

Samarkand galleries

The dresses and costumes made with modern fashion trends in view are decorated with traditional oriental motifs, embroidered and applied by batik methods. Rich oriental patterns are also used to decorate various accessories.

The Studio uses only natural materials - silk, cotton, and organic dyes, while the clothes are sewn manually.

The Art Studio has a separate room to demonstrate costumes and arrange fashion collection shows.

Guided tours to the Studio, available for visitors, give them a possibility to watch the amazing dresses from Valentina Romanenko being created before their eyes.
