Showing 41-44 of 432 items.
Uzbek badiiy somon san‘ati
Sоmоn аplikаsiyasi ko’plаb dunyo mаmlаkаtlаridа 17-аsrning ikkinchi yarmi vа 18-аsr bоshlаridаn аmаliy – dеkоrаtiv sаn’аt...
Astronomiya muzeyi
Astronomiya muzeyi ulug‘ bobomiz Mirzo Ulug‘bek tavalludining 615 yilligi munosabati bilan ochilgan. Muzeyda astronomiya fanining...
Ensemble Kusam-Ata
This structure can be safely attributed to one of the most important centers of Sufi...
Crypt of Temur
Only thirty-five meters away from the ruins of the famous complex of Hazrat-i Imam in...